Patellofemoral syndrome is a problem found primarily in athletes, but also in individuals who stay in a seated position for extended periods of time. The knee pain is felt at the front of the knee (around the patella), and increases when the person walks on inclined grounds or climbs stairs.
This type of knee pain is caused by a misalignment of the patella, when the quadriceps contract and compress the articular surfaces of the patella against the femur. This could be due to a weak quadricep or hip, to soft knee tissues which are overly strained (lack of flexibility), to repeated dislocations of the patella, to overly intensive sports practices, or even to a problem with the feet (flat feet or other problems). It can also be a misplaced patella, a misaligned knee, etc.
An evaluation of the biomechanical condition of your knee will help better understand the cause of your knee pain, and determine which treatments should be prioritized. We can efficiently treat this syndrome using exercises (stretches, strengthening) which relax and strengthen the hip or quadricep muscles. Wearing a knee prosthesis or a patella or foot orthosis may be recommended to you to reduce knee pain, and to help the knee stabilize. Laser or ultrasound therapies may also help decrease muscle stiffness in the area