The muscles are "attached" to the bones via tendons, which are fibrous tissues that allow the muscle movements to be transmitted to the joint. When you feel elbow or shoulder pain, it’s likely due to the tendon suffering a micro-tear.
This engenders an inflammation of the tendon or of the layer that covers it, along with pain and limitation of movements. This is diagnosed as tendinitis. The most common forms of tendinitis are called lateral epicondylitis (pain on the side of the elbow) and rotator cuff tendinitis (pain on the side of your shoulder).
Tendinitis can be caused by an overextension (sudden contractions of the tendon), by a poor posture at work that affects the tendons day after day, by overuse of the muscle supported by the tendon (computer usage), or by a problematic joint.
Massages, accompanied by laser, ultrasound or shockwave therapy, can help reduce the pain associated with elbow or shoulder tendinitis, while promoting its healing.